Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Jarrow, Tyne and Wear,NE32 3JA United Kingdom

Tel: 0191 421 7987

Ministry Team: 

Revd. Roy Merrin & Mrs. Marilyn Merrin 

Tel:0191 4891405

 How to find us Click on the link & Paste the address above including the Church Name 

Our story 

In 1864 the Baptist Union of Great Britain sent the Revd.. Charles Morgan to Jarrow,  with a view to establishing a baptist witness in the town.

Initial meetings were held in the homes of local people and then in the Mechanics Institute (Now the Civic Hall) .

A church building was errected in Grange Road West in 1966, which now acts as our Church Hall. The hall was used as a British Restaurant during the years of the second world war.

A greatly extended Church Building was opened in  1879, which has been used for church services up to the present time.

During the 1990's, a number of improvements were made to the Church Hall including the provision of a new roof, two new meeting rooms a toilet for disabled persons and access ramps. 

In 2001 considerable work was undertaken to the Church Sanctury to iradicate dry rot, including the provision of a new floor. At the same time, the pews were replaced by chairs - so providing a flexible and comfortable worship area.

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